The significant impact on all Australians by the Covid-19 pandemic response, which has now been independently reviewed demonstrating the need for full inquiries. We express our overwhelming concern for the following: *From 2020 until present day, State and Federal Governments as well as many private companies have habitually breached inviolable, absolute non-derogable human rights and Australia’s international obligations. *The lack of transparency in all Public Health decisions particularly the disproportionate and non-evidence-based directions and mandates. *The financial cost to the people and as a nation. *Impact on children’s education and mental health. *Provisionally approved treatments and injections with no long-term safety data. *The suppression and lack of early treatment to save the vulnerable. *The number of Covid-19 vaccine adverse event reports and lack in the evaluation of the potential correlation. *The excess mortality in 2022. *The interference with the doctor patient relationship and the suspension of professionals, without reasonable or fair process. *The censorship by opinion not fact, of all who shared information that differed from the government narrative. *The incitement and actions of public servants that resulted in the immoral and degrading treatment of Australians. *The advertising and promotion of Covid-19 vaccines by government departments and politicians that do not align with the statutory regulations.
We therefore ask the House to invoke the Hon Governor-General to establish a Commonwealth Royal Commission into the Covid-19 Pandemic response in Australia by issuing a Letters Patent under the Royal Commissions Act 1902 (Cth) and initiate an AHRC inquiry into the violation of human rights, on a federal, territory and state basis.
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