Consumer rip off – price gouging excuse: ‘health’ crisis

Aussies are getting ripped off by businesses that created the problem in the first place, where the convenient excuse is the so called global ‘health’ situation.

Australia, being the legal basket case that it is, once caught out the authorities are quick to denounce responsibility and shift the blame on others.

BOTH federal and state governments have ‘mandated’ that ultimately workers must succumb to a particular medical service if they wish to continue to work in order to earn a living for themselves or to support their families.

State governments have also shifted the role of the so called authorities that business owners must enforce the mandates on their workers, that being an unlawful action.

As a result many people have walked off the job.

The mainstream media calls it ‘The Great Resignation’, but fails to mention that it’s a government caused reaction to an unlawful direction.

On some items prices have doubled or more.

Where one would expect to pay for ‘extras’ or rather a change to the type of product used that being a small amount the price has risen by 400%, which is not acceptable.

A coffee that was $4.50 is now $7.50.

And the excuse?

Why C0VlD of course.

We do not support or recommend supporting any business that disrespects customers by price gouging them.

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