Official public health data coming out of Scotland is painting an extremely concerning picture for those who have chosen to get the Covid-19 vaccine, because it strongly suggests that the fully vaccinated are either suffering the much feared antibody-dependent enhancement, developing some form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or in the worst case scenario they are suffering with both conditions.
According to official Public Health Scotland Covid-19 Statistical reports, the fully vaccinated population in Scotland have accounted for the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths every single week since at least July 2021, not long after they began to account for the majority of hospitalisations, and in recent months they’ve also accounted for the vast majority of cases.
Here’s how the number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths tallied up by vaccination status over the past few weeks according to the Public Health Scotland Covid-19 Statistical report published Wednesday 19th January 2022.

As you can clearly see from the above it is the vast majority of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths are still among the fully vaccinated population.
But Public Health bodies have been able to argue that this is to be expected when such a high percentage of the population has had the Covid-19 vaccine, and they have instead used the rates per 100k of the population by vaccination status to argue that the Covid-19 vaccines are effective at preventing cases, hospitalisations, and deaths.
The problem they now have though, is that according to the latest report (and a couple published prior to that) the rates per 100k of the population are now highest in the fully vaccinated population.
The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 case rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 18th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 14, found on page 38 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.
Since at least 18th Dec 21, the Covid-19 cases rates per 100k have been highest in the fully vaccinated population by an incredible amount. But we know this has been the case for a much longer period, we only need to look at data coming out of England to see that.
This suggests a few things which we will touch on very shortly, because first we need to show you how the hospitalisation and death rates per 100,000 population are now also highest in the fully vaccinated.
The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 hospitalisation rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 18th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 15, found on page 44 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.
Now here’s where things are slightly odd because it is only in the week beginning Jan 1st that the hospitalisation rate per 100,000 population is highest in the fully vaccinated. This is odd because of the death rates which we will reveal soon, but we believe the hospitalisation rates may be skewed, and we can prove that thanks to data coming out of England.
According to the UK Health Security Agency Vaccine Surveillance report – Week 3 – 2022, the highest number of Covid-19 hospitalisations among the unvaccinated population between week 51 2021 and week 2 2022, occurred in the under 18’s.
Based on historical trends this makes absolutely no sense, because children have always been at negligible risk of suffering severe disease due to Covid-19, and the alleged Omicron variant is statistically milder than the common cold. Therefore, what we are seeing here, is that children are being admitted to hospital for other causes, tested because their parents will be wrongly told it is mandatory by NHS staff, and then added to the Covid-19 hospitalisation figures.
By doing this they are then able to artificially inflate the unvaccinated hospitalisation rates per 100k population in England, and we believe they are most likely doing the same in Scotland, because when mixed with the data for deaths it just doesn’t add up.
The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 11th Dec and 31st Dec 21. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 16, found on page 50 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.
As you can see since at least December 11th, the fully vaccinated population have had the highest death rate per 100,000 population in Scotland, and the figures for the week ending 24th Dec are extremely concerning. The age standardised death rate per 100,000 was 1.7 among the unvaccinated, but 6.54 among the fully vaccinated.
This means that in the run up to Christmas, the population who had received at least two doses of an injection that allegedly reduces their risk of death due to Covid-19 by 95%, were statistically 4 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the not-vaccinated population.
Thanks to a wealth of data coming out of Scotland we are able to use the same formula that was used by Pfizer to calculate an alleged 95% effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccine, to calculate the real world effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the data unfortunately paints an extremely concerning picture.
The lowest vaccine effectiveness recorded against cases was -166% in Scotland between 25th Dec and 31st Dec, and the lowest vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisations was -40% between 1st Jan and 7th Jan 22.
But the lowest vaccine effectiveness has actually been recorded against deaths, in which a -284% effectiveness was registered between 18th Dec and 24th Dec.
But what does a negative vaccine effectiveness actually mean?
Vaccines work by simulating a viral attack and provoking the immune system into responding as if you have had the virus. They are supposed to train the immune system to the point where you develop natural immunity to the virus. Therefore, vaccine effectiveness is really a measure of the immune system performance induced by the vaccine.
- A vaccine effectiveness of +50% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is 50% better at tackling Covid-19.
- A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 0% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, meaning the vaccines are ineffective. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is equal to that of the unvaccinated at tackling Covid-19.
- Whilst a vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the unvaccinated were 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the fully vaccinated, meaning the vaccines actually decimate the immune system.
Therefore with the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines proving to be negative against cases, hospitalisations, and deaths, this means fully vaccinated adults innate immune systems are being damaged, and possibly beyond repair.
In order to calculate the immune system performance we need to perform a slightly different formula to the one used to calculate vaccine effectiveness, the only difference being that when it comes to dividing the total we need to use the largest of rate per 100k among either the unvaccinated or fully vaccinated. (We’ve provided the calculations in the previous table above).
The following chart displays the real-world vaccine effectiveness against Covid-19 cases in Scotland by week between 18th Dec and 7th Jan 22, as well as the immune system performance.

What we can see here is that the vaccines had a negative effectiveness throughout each week, with the lowest effectiveness reaching -166% just after Christmas.
But in terms of immune system performance we can see that the fully vaccinated populations immune systems are currently at -62%, meaning their immune systems are damaged to the point that they are performing 62% worse than the not-vaccinated populations natural immune system, at least in terms of preventing initial infection from the virus.
The following chart displays the real-world vaccine effectiveness against Covid-19 hospitalisations in Scotland by week between 18th Dec and 7th Jan 22, as well as the immune system performance.

What we can see here is that the Covid-19 injections allegedly had a positive effectiveness between 18th Dec and 31st Dec 21, before dipping substantially to -40% in the week beginning 1st Jan 22.
In terms of immune system performance we can see that the fully vaccinated populations immune systems are currently at -28%, meaning their immune systems are damaged to the point that they are performing 28% worse than the not-vaccinated populations natural immune system, at least in terms of preventing hospitalisation from the virus.
But we suspect the data on hospitalisations is extremely skewed and that the actual effectiveness and immune system performance is proving to be much lower, because this just does not add up in relation to the cases and deaths data.
The following chart displays the real-world vaccine effectiveness against Covid-19 deaths in Scotland by week between 11th Dec and 31st Dec 21, as well as the immune system performance.

What we can see here is that the vaccines had a negative effectiveness throughout each week, with the lowest effectiveness reaching -284% just before Christmas.
In terms of immune system performance we can see that the fully vaccinated populations immune systems were at -74% between 18th Dec and 24th Dec, meaning their immune systems were damaged to the point that they were performing 74% worse than the not-vaccinated populations natural immune system.
However, we then see in the following week that the effectiveness climbs up to -44% and the immune system performance climbs up to -31%. But this could be due to the fact the data for that week is incomplete.
The weekly Covid-19 statistical report contains data for 4 weeks, meaning each report has data that overlaps from previous reports. Take a look for yourself (here) and see if you can find a single report in which the data for the same week in each report is the same.
Data for 18th – 24th Dec on deaths from Covid-19 Statistical report published 7th Jan 22.
Data for 18th – 24th Dec on deaths from Covid-19 Statistical report published 19th Jan 22.
The 7th Jan report had misattributed deaths to the unvaccinated population and the two dose vaccinated population pushing up the death-rates per 100k in both, but this still led to a significantly higher death rate among the fully vaccinated. Therefore, we should expect to see in the next published report a correction to the large jump in vaccine effectiveness against death and immune system performance in the week beginning 25th December.
What does all this mean?
Well, it definitely means the fully vaccinated population are statistically more likely to catch Covid-19, more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and more likely to die from Covid-19 than the not-vaccinated population, and that therefore suggests the fully vaccinated are suffering antibody dependent enhancement.
In some cases, antibodies can enhance virus entry and replication in cells. This phenomenon is called antibody-dependent infection enhancement (ADE). ADE not only promotes the virus to be recognized by the target cell and enters the target cell, but also affects the signal transmission in the target cell.
In other words, ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognise and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.
The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been unvaccinated, and this is precisely what we are now seeing in the data coming out of Scotland.
But this constand decline in vaccine effectiveness and therefore immune system performance also suggests the fully vaccinated are developing some form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a condition that leads to the loss of immune cells and leaves individuals susceptible to other infections and the development of certain types of cancers. In other words, it completely decimates the immune system.
It’s still too early to see the repercussions of this if it is the case, but the data certainly strongly suggests that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated are being damaged by the week, therefore they are definitely losing immune cells, making them more susceptible to other infections and the development of certain types of cancers. So in effect, they are developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
The question now is, are the fully vaccinated currently suffering with antibody dependent enhancement, or are they suffering from the effects of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?
Or is it much worse than that, and they are actually suffering from both?